Real-time Prevention from Cyber Threats

Trusted by more than 120+ companies
What is Web 3.0 ?
Web 3.0 represents a decentralized internet that runs on blockchain technology and isn't controlled by one group. It's different from Web 2.0, where a handful of big companies call the shots.

Instead, Web3 works on shared records that are more transparent. As more parts of Web 3.0 come into play, a shift is expected to usher in an era where the use and access of the internet are governed by community-run networks, rather than centralized entities.
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Major Technologies Supports Web 3.0

A blockchain is a digital ledger spread across a network of computers with no central control. It keeps track of transactions by adding new data blocks to the chain. These blocks are permanent and can't be changed. When this happens, every computer on the network gets an update. This setup means no single weak spot could bring down the whole system.
Digital assets and tokens are broad classes of items of value that exist only in digital form. They include cryptocurrencies and central bank digital currencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and tokenized versions of physical assets like art or tickets to concerts and sporting events.
Smart Contracts
Smart contracts are simply self-executing agreements when predefined conditions are met, like terms agreed between a buyer and a seller. Such contracts are irrevocably encoded on a blockchain and, hence, reliable for integrity.
Why Does Your Business Require Web 3.0 Security Services?
Did you know the Web3 ecosystem experienced total losses of $889.26 million in 2023? To safeguard your business from such significant risks, it's crucial to assess potential threats in Web 3.0 technologies, including:

• Smart Contract Hacking

• Account and Mobile Wallet Theft

• Insufficient Encryption and Verification for API Queries

• Inadequate Governance

• Privacy Concerns with Decentralized Data Storage

• DApp Vulnerabilities

As Web 3.0 advances, a thorough risk assessment is essential to safeguard your business and unlock its full potential.
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Explore the Range of Service Under Web 3.0 Security

Blockchain Security Audit
A source code and protocol review of a blockchain network is conducted to establish its security, integrity, and efficiency. Within this scope, a blockchain security audit investigates the general architecture, smart contracts, consensus mechanisms, and network configurations.
Smart Contract Security Audit
Specifically intended to audit the code of smart contracts—self-executing agreements with the terms written directly into lines of code. A smart contract security audit includes logic, security flaws, and possible vulnerabilities that can be exploited. This service identifies and solves problems before deployment, thus preventing financial losses and ensuring that smart contracts work as they should.
DeFi Security Audit
Assesses DeFi applications and platforms built on blockchain networks to provide access to financial services without intermediaries. The assessment includes the security of smart contracts, liquidity protocols, and other core components of DeFi platforms, ensuring no vulnerabilities can result in hacking, theft, or system failure.
Web3 Penetration Testing
Involve simulating cyberattacks against Web3 applications to identify any security weaknesses that must be addressed. Web3 penetration testing will also involve evaluating decentralized applications, smart contracts, and the infrastructure to detect vulnerabilities that malicious actors could use.
Crypto Security Services
Range from digital asset and cryptocurrency transaction protection services, including wallet protection, private key security, and encryption methods, to compliance with regulations. They help to avoid theft, fraud, unauthorized access, or any other possible threat to your cryptocurrency holdings and transactions.
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What clients say
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Client Experiences

Explore a wide range of topics, including innovative business strategies, technological advancements, and best practices.
"Working with SecureDApp has significantly strengthened our platform’s security. Their advanced solutions and prompt service gave us peace of mind, enabling us to focus on growth while they handled the complexities of safeguarding our data."
Mr. A Mohammed Eshan
Founder, Blits Estate
"Partnering with SecureDApp has transformed our business. Their security solutions have minimized our vulnerabilities, safeguarding our data and earning our customers’ trust. The team’s expertise and proactive support have exceeded our expectations. Highly recommended!"
Mr. Basheer
Founder, E-Riyal
"Partnering with SecureDApp has transformed our business. Their security solutions have minimized our vulnerabilities, safeguarding our data and earning our customers’ trust. The team’s expertise and proactive support have exceeded our expectations. Highly recommended!"
Mr. Victor Jack
Founder, Rep Coin
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Web3 security?
Why is Web3 security important?
What are common threats in Web3?
What are DeFi security audits?
What are the benefits of crypto security services?